Edexcel curriculum (2015)
AlgorithmsApplication softwareAsciiBinaryCacheClient-ServerCloudCompressionComputational thinkCPUCyber securityDatabaseFetch-d-e cycleEmbedded systemEncryptionEnvironmentEthicsFile sizeFlow chartHexadecimalHigh Level languageISP/InternetLaw & LegislationLogicMagnetic HDDNetworkingOpen sourceOperating systemOptical storagePeer to peerPictures (data rep)ProtocolsRun length encodingRAMROMSimulation softwareSolid state HDSoundStored programUtility Sof'wre |
Algorithms - Merge sortAnswer
Identifying any two (2) of the following (Maximum 2 marks): Database Bibliographic Project Management Presentation Desktop Publishing Word Processing Web Browser Image Editing Video Editing Animation CAD (not expected) Programming Environment Live Chat –Only if example confirms working context Exclude software whose main purpose is entertainment Any other appropriate software which could sensibly be used in a general working environment Any two (2) examples of software use (Maximum 2 marks): Answers may include Image Editing –Cropping images for insertion into a presentation Live Chat –For getting technical support help from a vendor support site Web Browser –For looking up the addressof a colleague at a different university Presentation –Showing results of his research to colleagues at a conference. Bibliographic –Keeping track of sources for his research. Video Editing –Creating a video to put on YouTube of his lectures for his students. CAD -molecular, synthetic, and genetic biology Programming environment –Creating customised models |