Edexcel curriculum (2015)
AlgorithmsApplication sof'wreAsciiBinaryCacheClient-ServerCloudCompressionComputational thinkCPUCyber securityDatabaseFetch-d-e cycleEmbedded systemEncryptionEnvironmentEthicsFile sizeFlow chartHexadecimalHigh Level languageISP/InternetLogicLaw & LegislationMagnetic HDDNetworkingOpen sourceOperating systemOptical storagePeer to peerPictures (data rep)ProtocolsRun length encodingRAMROMSimulation softwareSolid state HDSoundStored programUtility Sof'wre |
Operating systemAnswer
Manages files (1) provides a structure and system / directories for the management of files / allows files to be manipulated (saved, renamed, moved, copied and deleted). (1) Process management (1) allocating / sharing processor time / resources to running programs. (1) Manages memory (1) assigning (blocks of) memory to running programs as required. (1) Manages hardware / drivers (1) to receive data from input devices and to send processed data to output devices. (1) Answer
Any one of