Edexcel curriculum (2015)
AlgorithmsApplication sof'wreAsciiBinaryCacheClient-ServerCloudCompressionComputational thinkCPUCyber securityDatabaseFetch-d-e cycleEmbedded systemEncryptionEnvironmentEthicsFile sizeFlow chartHexadecimalHigh Level languageISP/InternetLaw & Legislation
LogicMagnetic HDDNetworkingOpen sourceOperating systemOptical storagePeer to peerPictures (data rep)ProtocolsRun length encodingRAMROMSimulation softwareSolid state HDSoundStored programUtility Sof'wre |
Binary conversionAnswer
1001 0101 Binary to denaryAnswer
72 Binary - logical shiftAnswer
B - 1010 1000 Binary - logical shiftAnswer
The value of the number is halved / the number is divided by 2. (1) The sign bit is retained. (1) Binary addition - Twos complimentAnswer
12 = 00001100 (1) -11 = 11110101 (1) + 00000001 (1) Binary addition - Twos complimentAnswer
An explanation that makes reference to the following point: Overflow is the result of a binary addition where the sum exceeds the word length of the CPU / computer / maximum number of bits the CPU can process at one time / available storage space. (1) Plus one from: The computer ignores the overflow digit. (1) This could cause errors in further calculations. (1) Binary addition - Twos complimentAnswer
The comparison should include reference to both two’s complement and signed magnitude numbers for any two of the following: • Addition of two’s complement will always work (1) • Addition of sign-magnitude numbers does not always work (1) • There is only one way to represent the number 0 in two’s complement (1) • There are two ways to represent the number 0 in sign-magnitude numbers (1) Binary addition - Twos complimentBinary addition - Twos complimentAnswer
D [None of the above are accurate] (1) Binary to hexAnswer
5F 9E A0 Binary to denaryAnswer
35 Binary to additionAnswer
0110 1101 |