Edexcel curriculum (2015)
AlgorithmsApplication sof'wreAsciiBinaryCacheClient-ServerCloudCompressionComputational thinkCPUCyber securityDatabaseFetch-d-e cycleEmbedded systemEncryptionEnvironmentEthicsFile sizeFlow chartHexadecimalHigh Level languageISP/InternetLaw & LegislationLogicMagnetic HDDNetworkingOpen sourceOperating systemOptical storagePeer to peerPictures (data rep)ProtocolsRun length encodingRAMROMSimulation softwareSolid state HDSoundStored programUtility Sof'wre |
Open sourceAnswer
Indicative content: Monetary cost: ? Open source software is often developed by a non-profit community and is free to use. ? Proprietary software is usually purchased from a software company who licenses its use. Availability of source code: ? Open source software can be distributed and modified without permission. Anyone can fix bugs and create updates, without any need to wait for a new release. Availability of support: ? Open source software usually has help available from the community of experts who are interested and contribute to forums. ? Proprietary development software will not have issues with ongoing parallel developments as updates / changes are controlled, avoiding confusion between versions. ? Proprietary development software will be supported by the originators. Stability, reliability, suitability ? Open source is based on open standards that are accessible to everyone - avoids compatibility problems. ? Open source code is continually analysed by a large community of experts and therefore is stable / reliable. ? Proprietary development software will be less vulnerable to malicious users who could exploit the level of access provided to open source code. title2Answer