Edexcel curriculum (2015)
AlgorithmsApplication softwareAsciiBinaryCacheClient-ServerCloudCompressionComputational thinkCPUCyber securityDatabaseFetch-d-e cycleEmbedded systemEncryptionEnvironmentEthicsFile sizeFlow chartHexadecimalHigh Level languageISP/InternetLaw & LegislationLogicMagnetic HDDNetworkingOpen sourceOperating systemOptical storagePeer to peerPictures (data rep)ProtocolsRun length encodingRAMROMSimulation softwareSolid state HDSoundStored programUtility Sof'wre |
Algorithms - Merge sortAnswer
Algorithms - Bubble sortAnswer
Algorithms - Binary searchAnswer
Any one of: Incorrect comparison (1) should be < (1) OR Replaces HighestScore with BubbleScore if BubbleScore is less than HighestScore (1) should be greater than (1) AlgorithmAnswer